
Vaccinated vs unvaccinated : let’s not aim at the wrong target



Vaccinated vs unvaccinated : let’s not aim at the wrong target

Happy New Year to you all ! Best wishes for peace and health !


This is a time when families and communities are  fractured. Yet, we certainly should be well aware by now of the saying “divide and conquer” since this is a strategy as old as the world. No collective clarity ever comes from division. War, conflict, viciousness, resentment and hatred are always the same sad results; an urgent first step for all of us therefore: to listen and, with respect, establish what we have in common before getting to our differences.

Here are some important points concerning the current situation of division between «vaccinated» and «unvaccinated», sadly reductive words, a division that, unfortunately, is actively being fanned by media and political institutions

What we need to see : the same fears lie behind seemingly opposite choices

On the "vaccinated" side:

- The fear of serious illness is the basis of choice. The protection provided by the vaccine is trusted.

- The fear that non-vaccinated people can destroy this vaccine protection, whether at the personal or collective level.

- Fear that the “selfishness” of the non-vaccinated will overwhelm health services, causing overcrowding and overflow of hospitals and emergency services, thus preventing a return to normal life

  • Fear of fines and various sanctions put in place: beyond medical reasons, many people chose vaccination because they feel forced to do so. Among people living alone or the elderly, the deepening of their isolation has often been a profound motivation, while, among the adult population, the motivations are more related to the fear of losing one’s job and being unable to support oneself or one’s family. Among young people, the fear of losing the opportunity to live their youth to the fullest, miss travel opportunities, sports activities and discoveries has often been the basis of their choice. These reasons are therefore directly related to government restrictions and measures rather than to a deep belief in the need or effectiveness of the vaccine

On the “non-vaccinated” side:

- Fear relates mostly to possible side effects and to the silence that surrounds them. Comments on “rare” effects not challenging the “risk/benefit” balance do not convince them. Who will be the recipient of the “rare case” lottery? 

- Fear of lies and distrust in decision-making institutions and big Pharma: they point to well-known past cases where harmful side effects of drugs did not come to light until a decade later. A vaccine usually takes about 10 years of study. The present one is still in the experimental stage and this «trial» is a first in the medical history of humanity. There are reports of pericarditis and cardiovascular problems that are little talked about so as not to «scare» the population and interfere with the vaccination campaign.

- The fear of the effects associated with closely repeated doses, that seems to be more related to chronic disease treatment than vaccination. ,

  • Fear of establishing and implementing permanent political control in the name of health. In that respect they fear  what they consider the docility of the population and do not understand the accusations made against them in spite of not doing anything illegal.

It should be noted that this group, now labeled “anti-vaxx”, includes many scientists, doctors, researchers and thinkers. The question of vaccination has existed since its invention and, instead of demonizing disagreements, it would be good to open a healthy debate

The common ground

Many questions remain on which both groups agree. On both sides, questions are being asked about the immunization of children and about the periodic repetitions of “booster shots” that are getting closer and closer

First, let’s take stock of our own motivations and fears before accusing the other group. As a native American saying goes, “we do not walk in our neighbour’s moccasins”.

Second, we can define what brings us together and what can constitute a common basis.

We can all agree that whatever our position on vaccination is, the current policy is not sustainable in the long term and that it blocks any long-term action plan or comprehensive plan.

Financial aspect

Vaccinated or unvaccinated are two groups that also have to pay for the vaccination campaign through taxes. Free vaccination is an illusion. Social security and taxes are the direct sources of funding. What will be the long-term impact?

Ecological aspect

We are all experimenting with the masks found on the ground, highlighting if necessary the ecological cost of this campaign. “PPPS” is the new acronym to describe pharmaceutical pollution of expired drugs, vials, plastics, mercury and various chemical wastes from our hospitals, laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.

Unlike the rest of nature and animals, humans are the only species to engage in activities before offering a solution for their waste. Look at the spider’s web, the bird’s nest … everything is compostable and recyclable. Our plastics are a seventh continent and we still do not know what to do with our nuclear waste. Do we know what happens to our vaccine waste? the number of animals sacrificed to make it? It is incumbent upon us to ask the questions and move forward with our eyes wide open.

It is our collective responsibility to call for and establish the principles of a new medicine whose tenets include ecological principles

Vaccination is only the manifestation of a tsunami that formed in the depths a long time ago and we are all “responsible” (= able to respond)-- to differentiate from “guilty”-- that is, we all have a responsibility to find “answers”. Chile, for example, is showing us today a possible way, having voted for a new constitution limiting the action of the State and drafted by a «constitutional convention» composed solely of citizens elected for this purpose  with parity of men as women. The ecological issues of the use of Chilean water and mineral soils are at the centre of the debate.

We also need to organize citizen initiatives concerning the deterioration of our ecology and our food, our approach to health, no longer leaving to the pharmaceutical laboratories the responsibility to «care» through chemistry, challenge the current acceptance of harmful and violent side effects in our treatments, the primacy of money over well-being and many other issues that are central to our communities.

Let us not confuse what we need to challenge… let us open the discussion and let us not point fingers at those who make different choices. Each one of us has a place and lessons to offer. The solutions, whatever side we are on, can only be collective. The extreme focus on and division about vaccines blocks any vision for the future.

We can start by vigorously practicing preventive medicine. This requires a deep awareness because a real preventive medicine is above all, as taught by ancient Taoist medicine, a lifestyle medicine. The consumption of industrial sugar, for example, is one of the biggest factors of immune breakdown. Even the official media, which, to say the least, do not focus on prevention, often mention diabetes as an essential factor of “co-morbidity”… without drawing obvious conclusions. It is up to us to do so.

Why not organize circles of discussion and listening, sharing knowledge and difficulties? Why not build circles of support and joint health initiatives instead of focusing on our differences of views. Zoom and electronics enable us to weave networks between those who are far away. Let us use the positive aspects of new technologies to our advantage.

A little anecdote:

One of my close relatives, elderly and isolated, finally decided, after miuch hesitation, to go and get vaccinated in order to be able to go back to her weekly sports activities, walks and cultural events. She went to the vaccination center with a small group of friends so they could motivate and encourage each other.

On their return, to celebrate the event and no doubt ease the tension, they shared a few glasses of champagne.

Unfortunately alcohol is a sugar, especially champagne. The idea was certainly very convivial but unwise in terms of health. Some may argue that joy contributes to immune strengthening. Undoubtedly. It would have been much wiser however, to celebrate with the joy of self care, sharing antiviral essential oils that smell good, a walk in the woods or some kind of a common healthy activity.

Although it was not possible to establish a definite cause-and-effect relationship, my relative suffered from a state of severe and debilitating fatigue that lasted for weeks after her vaccination. I came to her aid with remedies from Chinese medicine to boost her energy and failing immune system. She told me that her friends had also experienced this state of great fatigue. I do not know any more about the duration and the state of health of her friends. My relative already has asthma and respiratory problems.

What do you think? Are you prepared for vaccination? Do you know how people around you are managing this « event"?



An underestimated plant, reserved for apple and compote pies ? 

One of the pillars of all traditional pharmacopoeias from Asia to the Middle East via India ?

A delicious tonic drink for winter...


Did you guess ? Cinnamon !

Among its medicinal virtues according to Chinese medicine:

«Expel the cold » : a basic plant therefore for the winter cold shots!

«Brings the Yang fire back into the kidneys»:  excellent for adrenal exhaustion, burnouts and the deep cold that comes with age.

«Heats the middle heater»:  warms the stomach and solar plexus. A great ally for sluggish digestions and slow metabolisms, it regulates blood glucose, stabilizes our moods as well as bulimia or hypoglycemia.

«Moves the blood in the 12 meridians»: the only plant to circulate the Qi throughout the body.

It is therefore not surprising to find cinnamon in multiple formulas of Chinese pharmacopoeia: those that are meant to expel and treat colds, to dissolve fibroids, alleviate the chest oppressions of cardiovascular or asthmatic problem, to treat arthritis and joint problems. Finally, of course, cinnamon is present in all the tonics for kidney vitality and longevity, to remedy, among other things failing and frozen libidos!

In Chinese medicine we distinguish between twigs (Gui Zhi) and bark (Rou Gui). The twigs are only found in Chinese herbalist shops. The bark has more effect on the kidneys. Choose, whenever possible, cinnamon from Ceylon or Vietnam. They are the best.

Festive cinnamon drink: 

To assuage sugar cravings, tiredness and depression, promote blood circulation, tonify the kidneys and warm the hearts!

5 to 10g of cinnamon (2 to 3 sticks) for about 1 liter of water: in infusion, or decoction if you want a stronger and medicinal drink. 

Bring to a boil and simmer a maximum of 20mn so as not to lose the aromatic properties of cinnamon

Play with your creativity to make it a festive drink, “chai” style by adding ginger, clove, nutmeg or a pre-made mix from a healthy food store (théine-free to keep the medicinal properties intact)

Do not forget its supreme virtue of calming sugar cravings and helping us to keep our physical and emotional «centre»! useful in troubled times



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